Sunday, December 23, 2007


Since August of 2006, I’ve very much enjoyed as it’s given me an outlet to do something that I really love to do – writing. Though these blogs are available to the public, I don’t presume that everybody will love everything I write. In fact, I’m often inclined to write opinions with which I daresay the majority of liberal America would disagree.

My writings are a mixture of personal anecdotes, religious and ideological beliefs. I believe in One Supreme God and His Son, the Lord Jesus. I believe what is written in the Bible and I use the Bible to help guide me to do what’s right. I also realized that, not including this brief blog, I’ve written a total of 35 blogs since getting started here… and it’s getting tougher to find all of the links. So, I decided to hyperlink and summarize the stories I’ve written thusfar to make locating and reading some of these past blogs a little easier

Just click the title of whatever you think you might want to read and enjoy:

Free Will vs. Predestination: My very first blog article, inspired by a friend who asked a perplexing question: How can humans have free-will if God already knows how everything’s going to end? In my inaugural blogger article, I attempt to explain one of the greatest mysteries of the Christian faith. Whether I’m right or not, only God knows for sure.

Superman Returns (2006) – My Review
: Pretty self-explanatory. I’m a huge Superman fan and I was anxious to put my two cents in regarding the latest theatrical release starring the Man of Steel.

ATTENTION: Agnostics & Atheists
: At the time I wrote this piece, I had gotten wind of a few incendiary comments that people were saying about me behind my back, regarding my faith. Written partially out of anger, I addressed my detractors directly and, in so doing, addressed what I believe to be the TRUE reason why we have so many people in this country who refuse to believe in Jesus.

I Can Fly
: In this blog, I discussed a personal accomplishment of mine within my own subconscious – the ability to partially manipulate and control my own dreams.

The Dumbass Media
: A short article on how our media shoots our military might in the foot by giving away our position at every opportunity.

Mary, the Mother of JESUS
: My attempt to figure out why Catholicism can’t seem to forgo a semantics issue to bring the various Christian faiths closer together. I also take a closer look at false syllogisms here and how they affect the beliefs of others.

My Pisiform-Triquetral Travails
: A short anecdote on a very stupid thing I did one fine day at work. This article is basically me poking fun at myself and making light of a ridiculous occurrence.

Credit Card Companies Suck – My Rant
: An all-too-true account of the ruthlessness of credit card companies when they have you indebted to them. This is a tale of survival and a tale of a hard-learned lesson in life and finances.

Nuts Over My New Bike
: Another personal anecdote, meant to give the reader a chuckle or two. This is the true story of my first weeks on a brand-new bicycle and the ensuing damage it did to my… self. Let's just say that the title makes more sense once you've read the story.

The Spectrum of Airline Intelligence
: A therapeutic rant I wrote in response to what was probably the most frustrating airline experience I’ve ever had. Even at my most perturbed, I did what I could to interject a bit of humor into the mix.

Gender Roles & Hardwood Floors
: This one brings back memories as it was the last big home project we undertook prior to the birth of my daughter. This article for more for me than anything else as I wanted to preserve the memories of those last months of my wife’s pregnancy, plus pay homage to a good friend who did a great thing for us.

What’s With the Lisp?
: The question that’s been bugging me for quite a while now. In the hot debate over whether homosexuality is learned or if you’re born with it gets interesting when considering the origin of the lisp.

Observations of a New Dad
: One of my favorite blog articles as it very accurately preserves those early memories of what it was like to care for a very small infant girl. The time flies so fast and I’m glad I wrote something about those early days. This article was meant to point out the more humorous aspects of rookie parenthood.

Saddam’s Lousy Decembers
: My brief look at the last days of Saddam Hussein (he was executed three days following this blog) as well as my defense of the Islamic faith.

Luxuries I Missed While in Brazil – Part 1
: Originally written on January 27, 2006, this article pre-existed my Blogger account, but I’d decided to post it because I was fresh off of another trip to Brazil and I thought it’d be good to keep these together.

Luxuries I Missed While in Brazil – Part 2
: The sequel and probably the funnier of the two “Luxuries” blogs I posted. Life in Brazil can be pretty good, but it just takes some getting used to. Enjoy the rants.

How I Met My Daughter
: An endearing true story of how my relationship with my little girl began. This is a great blog for expectant fathers as I dole out a lot of decent tips for how to be Super Dad even before your baby is born. Also chronicled in this blog is the moment when I knew I’d make a good dad for my baby. This is one of my favorites. I hope you enjoy it.

The Allure of Parenthood
: This one kind of works off the vein of the blog that preceded it. Here, I speak of the purity and innocence of a newborn infant and the enormous responsibility we take on when we become parents. Also included are a couple of quick memories that I failed to mention in the previous blog.

The Quiet Car
: A humorous and true story of my trip to the Big Apple to pick up my mother-in-law at the airport and take her back home. Let’s just say that folks aren’t always as considerate as they could be.

My Top 20 Favorite Movies
: A complete and comprehensive list of my all-time favorites of the big screen. Sure, nobody else might care what my favorite movies are, but what can I say? I enjoyed thinking this one out and deciding for myself which ones ranked among the best ever in my heart. This one’s more likely to interest fellow movie buffs who just might have a few movies in common with me.

People Who Need to Get Punched in the Head
: Looking back on this one, it reads like a stand-up comedy routine. Yes, I wrote it primarily for laughs, but I drew my inspiration for each example using events that actually happened in my life. Again, it’s a rant, but it’s also a light-hearted rant with no real anger behind it. Have a look at if if you have a minute. You might get some chuckles out of it.

My Take on Ephesians 2:8-9
: Inspired by a vision I had in a dream one night, I wrote this blog to see if I could provide a clear illustration for a difficult Biblical idea. There are people who believe that good works must be done to earn Heaven. There are others who believe that faith in Jesus is all it takes to earn Heaven. My example attempts to illustrate who both are necessary.

Racial and Religious Hypocrisy
: This one takes a closer look at the incident that cost Don Imus his job, as well as the tirade that destroyed Michael Richards’s career. It’s my take on the matter and my frustration at how very few people are out there to defend Jesus with the same fervor used to defend the African-American community.

: A tragic true story of the death of a six-month-old boy named Kauan. He was my wife’s cousin’s son in Brazil. He’d been cursed from the very beginning of his life and, due to doctors’ incompetence, his life was cut tragically short. This death hit me especially hard, primarily because my daughter was only a month younger than Kauan and, as a parent, this is pretty much your worst nightmare. May God rest your soul, Kauan.

Do Any Boston Cab Drivers Speak English?
: Another all-too-true story about my recent encounters with foreign-born cab drivers and the linguistic hilarity that often ensues. Though the situations I wrote about were frustrating at the time, I tried to interject humor wherever I could.

Transformers (2007): My Review
: Having been a die-hard Transformers fan for as long as they’ve been in existence, I had to see this movie as soon as possible… and had to type out a comprehensive review. Though I made out Pro and Con lists, I really loved this movie. It’s now one of my prized HD DVDs and even the bonus disc is awesome to watch.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – My Review
: This is the first time in the history of the Guileless Vituperator that I’ve ever reviewed a book, but given the hype surrounding the seventh and final installment of the Harry Potter series, I couldn’t help but contribute my two cents. I waited a number of days before posting this to give the die-hard fans of the book a chance to read it before reading my spoilers.

The Return of Def Leppard
: This was my wife’s first American concert and she loved it. This blog tells the story of Def Leppard’s performance at the Tweeter Center on August 11, 2007.

How to Make a Day Suck
: Just an all-around crappy day for everybody except my daughter. This was more of a therapeutic rant than anything else. And yes, I felt a LOT better after writing this one. Who knows? You just might find things to laugh about here.

ABORTION: What I Believe
: The title pretty much tells the story. It’s my view on abortion and if I were ever to get hate mail for any of my blogs, it’d likely be this one. In this blog, I explain why I consider abortion to be a crime and a sin, regardless of the reason(s) it is performed. I run through the most popular excuses and break them down one-by-one. I knew it’d be controversial, but I felt it needed to be written and I stand behind what I wrote. I don’t appreciate hate mail, but I do welcome opposing viewpoints and constructive criticism. And this will NOT be the last time I tackle a controversial topic, so be warned.

Waltham High School Lamentations
: This story is about my recent high school reunion and the memories it sparked. High School was enjoyable, but looking back, I realized that I could have gotten so much more out of it, had I kept my head up and taken a look around every once in a while. Hindsight is 20/20, right?

Cancún, Timeshares and the Hard-Sell
: The true story of our Cancún trauma is told here. Again, this was a frustrating moment of my life that I can now look back on and laugh. This story was written to pull a few chuckles from the past and to bring the world of timeshares to light so that others can determine for themselves whether or not losing 90 or so minutes of your life is worth a few free waffles.

First Year Reflections
: Our daughter is one of the happiest babies you’ll ever meet. This article celebrates our first year with her as I reveal the secrets to our early success as parents and what we have in store for Year 2.

Michael Newdow Can Kiss My Ass
: True story about a litigation-happy atheist who is single-handedly trying to destroy everything that America stands for with his personal vendetta against the Lord. Just remember that God always has the last laugh, Newdow.

Brazil – The Third Installment
: Details of my most recent trip to Brazil, complete with the rantings you’ve come to expect, coupled with some interesting observations regarding airlines and some of the things that can go wrong when you’re flying. This was also the setting for my daughter’s first birthday party, which was a day I’ll never forget.

So, that does it for 2007. I hope you've enjoyed what you've read so far. As it stands now, 2008 looks like it's going to be considerably busier for me, so I doubt I'll be writing nearly as often in the next year. Time will tell, of course, so until then....

Have a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year and a safe holiday season.

The Guileless Vituperator -- <")))><

Friday, December 21, 2007

Brazil - The Third Installment

So, I went to Brazil about a week ago for the purpose of, among other things, attending my daughter’s first birthday bash. I set foot on American soil again a couple of days ago and felt compelled to share some observations and experiences I had on this particular journey.

Loyal Vituperator readers may recall my “Luxuries I Missed” rant in Part 1, as well as my list of kvetches in Part 2. This third installment is really just a review of what happened as well as some of the odd things I noticed. Yes, I have a few new b*tchings to get out of my system, but trust me, they’re far fewer in quantity when compared to the amount I shelled out for Part 2 (…after all, I wasn’t even there a full week this time). And I must say, most of the proverbial fan-hitting sh*t seemed to happen to my wife while I just kept dodging bullets.

So, here’s the story.

During our January/February Brazil trip this year, the wife and I agreed on what looked to be a great function hall to have our daughter’s first birthday party. Granted, our little girl was fewer than two months old at the time, yet we had already started making plans in anticipation of the big event. First birthdays are a really big deal in Brazil and those who remembered our huge wedding were sure to be keeping their eyes on us to see how (or if) we’d ever top our 2004 nuptials.

So, in an effort to keep some sort of organization to this blog, I’ll separate my observations and comments into three categories with subsets for each.


For starters, whoever coined the phrase “Getting there is half the fun” clearly never had to fly to Brazil. Oh, and we flew with the same F-Me Airline as last time (click here for my F-Me rant). We didn’t choose them because we liked them, rather because pickins were slim by the time we had enough money to buy our tickets and F-Me had the best prices. So, we get to the airport and the fun starts… for my wife.

A.) PAY NOW OR WE KEEP YOUR DAUGHTER: My mother-in-law, Dalva needed to get to Brazil about a week before the wife and I were able to fly out and she really wanted to take our daughter with her for a plethora of reasons. We acquiesced, but to make this a reality, she’d need our daughter’s name (we’ll just use the pseudonym of Sabrina for the sake of the story) printed on her tickets for the flight over... and on my wife’s tickets for the flight back. We were given assurances from the travel agency that once we had Sabrina’s name on those tickets AND got written and notarized permission slips into Dalva’s hands, all would be well.

Dalva had no problem getting our daughter out of the country, but when it came time for us to check in, an F-Me clerk told my wife that she’d need to pay for Sabrina’s tickets if she wanted to bring her back home. My wife showed him her tickets and how Sabrina’s name was already printed on all of them, but since Sabrina wasn’t with us for check-in, she somehow got disqualified on all counts and would be ineligible to join her own mother back on the flight to America. My wife was broke to begin with, so I fronted the money to ensure that Sabrina would fly home with my wife.

Fear not though. The travel agency has already promised to refund what we paid for the first tickets. Whether they uphold their end of the bargain when we go to collect, well… we’ll just have to jump off that bridge when we come to it.

B.) COUGH UP THE PERFUMES, TERRORIST!: I have like a MILLION reasons why I prefer to travel light, but ever since marrying the Transporter, I haven’t had an occasion to enjoy my "Light Travel" preference. Everybody in Brazil wants American paraphernalia, especially when it comes to Nike sneakers and electronics, so whenever the family down in South America gets wind that my wife’s heading down there, they all cut deals with her to have her buy stuff for them with the promise of reimbursing her when she arrives. For example, we might pay $200.00 for a digital camera here, but try buying that exact same brand in Brazil and you’re guaranteed to shell out at least DOUBLE that. So, one of the many things she was asked to bring was perfume. Her brother’s wife has a thing for Victoria’s Secret crap and she cut a deal to reimburse her for a variety of perfumes and lotions. The only thing is that my wife forgot that we can’t fill up a carry-on bag with liquids (…not even water), so she wound up having like sixty bucks worth of Vickie’s Secret goop confiscated. Plus, she was gone for like a f**king half hour, so my guess is that they must have “white rubber gloved” the hell out of her for having the audacity to attempt such an evil deed.

C.) SPEAKING OF TERRORISTS: For all of your frequent (and even semi-frequent) flyers, I wanted to ask you a question. Is it just me or is it impossible to get on a plane these days without seeing at least two guys who look exactly like they just graduated from Osama bin Laden’s Infidel Decapitation Academy? It’s weird because I can spend months in the city without seeing so much as one turban. I get on any plane in the States and it’s almost a given that I’ll see at least one poster boy for al-Qaeda with a beard thick enough to hide a Beretta and a few extra magazines. And if he doesn’t look like a terrorist, he most certainly will look sketchy enough to want to bring the plane down just for sh*ts and giggles.

D.) SKYMALL IS MY CRACK: I travel the F-Me Airline and these damn SkyMall catalogs are on every damn plane. They’re the most addictive catalogs in existence because they have all of the crap you never knew you always wanted. All of the really innovative inventions of the day are featured here and they create a demand for stuff that, twenty minutes ago, you didn’t even know existed.
Plus, they let you take the catalog home so that your torment can continue long after the wheels touch down on the runway. “Hey, now that I think about it, I do need remote-controlled laser combat cars… and a singing animatronic Elvis robot… and a Steinhausen chronograph watch… and a vintage hot dog cart… and roses hand-dipped in 24K gold… and a scoop-free self-cleaning cat box… and an Oh GOD get this damn catalog away from me before I liquidate my house!

I don’t even HAVE a cat!

E.) NEVER BUY ANYTHING FROM DUTY FREE: Those of you who have flown to other countries will have heard of duty free items. I’ll summarize the phenomenon for those of you who haven’t. Folks who bring more than $500.00 worth of certain types of crap to another country are required to pay an extra fee. I’ll illustrate the reason for this with an example. Let’s say someone in Brazil wants to buy a digital camera, but can’t afford it at Brazil’s prices. Then, they realize they can get this item much cheaper in the states. If they get somebody to buy them a camera in the states and then give them the money for it when they arrive, they have, in a sense, hurt Brazil’s economy. That’s money they could have kept in the country, had it not been for the nice American contraband smuggler.

So, as an incentive to buy expensive sh*t without penalty, they offer duty free items at airports (…and in some cases, on the airplanes themselves). Buy a digital camera at a duty free shop and, as long as you keep your receipt, said item is exempt from that extra penalty fee. The problem is that duty free items are f**king expensive. Seriously, buy duty free stuff only if you have money to burn because I guarantee you’ll find the exact same items almost anywhere else for a much more reasonable price.

I mean seriously, who the f**k is stupid enough to blow $500.00 on a $300.00 iPod?

F.) LUGGAGE? WHAT LUGGAGE?: Want to hear another great reason for packing light? Because you never know what the airline will do with the luggage you choose to stow away. Case in point: I checked in two huge, heavy-ass suitcases filled with stuff for my daughter’s birthday party. So, where did I put my clean clothes? In my carry-on bag… because I pack light and have little difficulty fitting my clothes into one small bag. Good thing, too... because while we may have arrived in Brazil without a problem, our luggage stayed in f**king Miami. Was this a big deal for me? Not really. I had my hygiene items and all of my clothes so I was sound as a pound. As for my wife, she chose to fill her carry-on bag with perfumes and a laptop she bought for her brother. Her clothes were checked in, so she was stuck wearing the same clothes for almost three full days before the airline got our luggage delivered to our Brazil address.

G.) YEAH, WE’LL TAKE THAT OFF YOUR HANDS NOW: Remember that laptop I mentioned just a moment ago? Remember that extra fee? If you bring expensive electronics with you, you need to declare them when you arrive. If you don’t, you run the risk of getting heavily fined. Well, my wife might have had a shot at slipping the laptop past the prying eyes of Brazil’s finest had it not been for the fact that she needed to fill out claim slips to get our luggage back. But fortune failed to smile upon her here as well and she was told she’d need to cough up $500.00 for the privilege of stepping onto Brazilian soil with the laptop for which she already paid $900.00. Meanwhile, I strolled right past everybody with my digital camera and my video camera. Go figure.

H.) IT’S ME! IT'S DADDY!: This part kinda broke my heart a little. I don’t know how strong the long-term memory of an infant is, so for fear that Sabrina wouldn’t recognize us after being without us for a week, I decided to burn a DVD for her. The DVD was basically a short video of me, talking to her, showing her all of the things she likes to play with at home, saying all of the things she has come to expect from me and showing her pictures of her mom and me to ensure that she wouldn’t forget us. Dalva assured us that she had Sabrina watch the video at least once a day and sometimes twice, yet when Sabrina and I saw each other, she didn’t smile like she usually does. I knelt down with my arms outstretched and called to her to come give me a hug. She didn’t move. She just looked at me with her wide eyes and her pout. Inside, I almost panicked.

“Has she actually forgotten who I am?”

I’m the only one who sings the ABCs to her, so I quickly belted an ABC tune out for her, followed by a tune that I made up that she loves to hear. I did all of my signature sound effects and kept repeating the fact that “Daddy” was here. She says “Daddy” a lot when she sees me and, according to Dalva, she said “Daddy” whenever she saw the video. After a few more seconds of nervous tension, something must have clicked because she walked towards me and stretched out her arms. Her facial expression revealed nothing, but her hug assured me that she remembered me.

I swear I almost cried tears of joy with her in my arms again. I’d missed her terribly and the thought that she might have forgotten me nearly tore my heart to shreds. A few giggles later and she was happy as could be, belting out “Da das” and “Daddies” as if not a day was lost.


I said that I didn’t have many gripes, but I did have a few and I’d be remiss if I didn’t at least mention a few of them. Again, nothing huge – just me having a little b*tch session, but fear not. Some of what I have to say this time around is actually good.

A.) SANTA’S DAUGHTER: One of the things that Dalva wanted to do with Sabrina in the week prior to our arrival is to attend a Catholic church event for underprivileged kids. It’s called “Festa dos Pobres” which quite literally means “Poor People’s Party.” It’s like Brazil’s version of “Toys for Tots,” except on a smaller scale. The church members raised money to buy toys for children who would otherwise have nothing for Christmas and, though it would make more sense to have this shindig closer to Christmas itself, it was held in the first week of December.

Anyway, Dalva thought it’d be great if Sabrina helped with the distribution of gifts, so Dalva dressed Sabrina in her “Baby Claus” outfit for the party. Many of the kids actually believed that Sabrina was Santa Claus’s daughter and one of them actually said, “Santa didn’t bring us any gifts this year, but Santa’s daughter did!” Many of the kids posed for pictures with her and one of the kids even gave her a picture of him to keep and share with Santa when she gets back to the North Pole.

I just really thought that was awesome and I felt honored and flattered that these underprivileged kids thought of my little girl as being responsible for making their Christmas holiday a little bit brighter and happier. It's a short and sweet holiday anecdote to keep for the future when Sabrina gets a little older.

Okay, time for the gripes.

B.) WOULD A QUICK SWEEP REALLY KILL YA?: My wife’s family is great. I’ve said that on numerous occasions, so whenever possible, I give them every benefit of every doubt imaginable. Yet I couldn’t help getting just a little bit pissed off when I saw some of the areas where Sabrina was playing. One house we went to had a concrete floor patio area thingy just outside of the house. There were a TON of little bits of plastic lying around, not to mention cigarette butts and a few sharp metal objects and shards of broken glass, all within a baby's reach. Now, Sabrina had been there for a full week before we arrived and I’m fairly certain this wasn’t the first time she’d been in this area. My question is why couldn’t they have at least tried to sweep the area up? They knew a baby was coming. Wouldn’t it stand to reason that she might want to check out some of this debris for herself?

Sabrina may be a year old, but she's still small enough to want to pick up everything she finds on the ground. True, she doesn’t put absolutely everything in her mouth anymore, but that’s not to say she’s given up the pastime altogether. In the few short minutes I was in there with her, I had to pull several of those plastic bits out of her hand and one out of her mouth. Once she got a hold of one of the cigarette butts, I picked her up and brought her to the sink to wash her hands. From there, Sabrina walked to another house owned by one of my wife’s family members. Only this person owns a poodle who took a dump in the walkway leading to her house. Naturally, Sabrina made a bee line to the dog droppings and cried hysterically when I stopped her from picking them up. I’m sorry, but it’ll be a cold day in hell before I let her juggle pieces of dog sh*t in her hands.

C.) PLEASE TRY TO KEEP HER ALIVE, WILL YA?: It was this lack of proper baby care that made me suspicious when I saw Sabrina for the first time. Back home, we keep the house pretty clean and we do our darndest to ensure that Sabrina is healthy. She’d been in Brazil for all of a week and it seemed like she was falling apart at the seams. When we arrived, she was coughing quite a bit with night sweats. A couple of days later, she busted up her nose and forehead and two days after that, her throat was inflamed and she was screaming into and past midnight. Plus, she had a nasty diaper rash; something she virtually never gets under our care. So, what happened? Well, for the busted up nose and head, all accusing fingers pointed at her grandfather.

Dalva asked "Granddaddy" to watch her for five minutes and, within that time, Sabrina apparently made a break for it and landed face first onto the ground. Yet from what I’ve learned about this guy, I can’t get mad at him. He never did much in the way of parenting when my wife was a baby, so I can’t imagine he somehow magically learned how to do the job now. As for Sabrina's other maladies, I told Dalva to keep her in clean environments whenever possible and to try and keep her physical contact with other kids to a minimum. She did the opposite, so perhaps my fears were warranted. After all, under grandpa’s short watch, Sabrina almost f**king died and in the time before my arrival, she had a measles/rubella shot and a shot to clear up her inflamed throat.

D.) NOBODY HAD ANYTHING: To be more specific, I had a great degree of difficulty finding the following six things:

- FOOD: I went to a small number of houses during my brief stay in Brazil, but the refrigerators in these houses were, for the most part, empty. I don’t need food several times a day like some people. If need be, I can get through an entire day on a very minimal amount of food, yet it seemed that if I wanted to eat, somebody had to order a pizza or something else like that because nobody did any grocery shopping for real food like fruits, veggies and meats. Yet, I wasn’t mad or anything because I realize that money is tight and it’s hard to keep your refrigerator full when you’re busting your ass just to pay the bills. That leads me into the other great necessity of life that was in scarce supply.

- WATER: Sure, I like Coca-Cola, Pepsi and other such carbonated drinks, but when it’s as hot as it is down in Brazil this time of year, all a man really wants is some cold, refreshing spring water. Nobody had any. Some houses stocked Coke, so in the absence of water, that’s what I drank. Not a huge deal because at least they had something, but I would have thought water to be a cheaper beverage to buy than soda. Maybe I’m wrong, though.

- TOILET PAPER: This I didn’t understand quite as easily because a wise owl with glasses once told me to read and stay in school whilst handing me a book that said, “Everybody Poops.” Yet apparently, Brazilians don’t because it was damn near impossible to find toilet paper in any of the houses I visited. For those few times where a house did have T.P., it was in a room that was inexplicably nowhere near the bathroom. Does it make sense to keep toilet paper in your bedroom while the bathroom has nothing?

- SOAP: Speaking of bathroom necessities, I was hard-pressed to find hand soap in half of the places I visited. I’ll admit that I may not have looked hard enough in some situations, but seriously, if you want your guests to wash their hands, are you really gonna wanna tempt fate by hiding the hand soap like it's Round One of an anti-bacterial scavenger hunt?

- TOWELS: Both the paper and cloth variety were in scarce supply and I have no idea why. Go to my bathroom and, at any given time, you’ll find anywhere from two to three available towels that you can use to dry your hands after washing them. In Brazil (...and with hands sopping wet), I’d ask, “Hey, do you happen to have any towels around here?” Then, whoever I asked would look around the house and pull out a towel from some secret hiding spot. And you can forget about paper towels. Apparently, that is a luxury that few can afford, so if you spill your drink, you’re pretty much f**ked if you have to use your one house towel to mop it up.

- INTERNET: In Part 1, I spoke of how very few people in my wife’s family have internet access, but on this trip, even the few stand-bys that I knew of were of no help. One girl’s computer monitor was burnt out. Another family member’s internet was disconnected and even the Internet shop at the mall had shut down temporarily due to some weird reason. Once the Internet shop got their system back online, there was like a 90 minute wait to use it. Suffice it to say, I settled for waiting until after I got home to mess with the net.

E.) NOCTURNAL NOISES: I mentioned the annoying dogs in
Part 2, but it’s an even worse problem now. Not only are the same damn dogs still barking away, but apparently the neighborhood picked up like eight new ones to join the debate. Of course, none of them are leashed and one night, I could swear I heard a battle royal of dogs barking (and fighting) louder than a Friday night in Michael Vick's garage. But the startling noise I heard on that same night was a couple of guys feverishly arguing with each other from a few streets away.

My Portuguese is fairly strong now, so I was able to pick up the basic theme of the argument; that being that some guy slept with another guy’s wife. After about maybe thirty seconds of yelling, I heard a gunshot go off and then dead silence. “Well, he’s done.” I thought as I attempted to go back to sleep. Apparently, I’ve lost the will to be shocked because within five minutes, I was in dreamland again. Sure, it’s not the ideal neighborhood to raise a baby, but she wasn’t even sleeping at the house that night. She was sleeping a city away in a much safer house with a security gate.

F.) DEAD CHICKENS: Our time in Brazil is usually hectic as we’re usually prepping for a big event. This time, it was the birthday party. Earlier this year, it was the baptism and my brother-in-law’s wedding. In 2004, it was my wedding. Always something… and we’re always running around like headless chickens, which is ironic because I actually saw headless chickens on this trip. I swear, my wife, her cousin and I were walking with Sabrina in the stroller when I came upon two small buckets. Inside both buckets were white feathered blobs with chicken feet sticking out. I asked my wife, “Is this what I think it is?” She said, “Yes... and please stay away from there. You don’t want to get too close to those.”

Hey, no arm-twisting necessary. I’m gone.


In this last part, I’ll end with just a few comments about the birthday party and the pain involved with leaving my family behind.

A.) THE PARTY: What can I say? This party was fantastic. We might have spent a lot of money on stuff, but it was great to see it all go to good use. We had a puppet show, a hair and make-up table, a table for designer nails, a mini-ferris wheel, a monorail, ball pools, a couple of slides, crawling tubes, bridges to cross, nets to climb, ropes to swing from, a mini amusement park-style pirate ship, a basketball game, foosball table, remote controlled cars on a 15 foot race track, open bar and barbecued buffet food, not to mention the goodie bags we made, the retrospective video I rendered and the Disney characters that dropped by for a surprise visit. The funny part is that with all I just mentioned, I’m positive I’m forgetting something. We just had so much for the kids to do and my daughter’s party has been the talk of the town ever since.

B.) FAULTY DVD PLAYERS: What really burned my butt was the part about the DVD videos I burned. I took video clips from this past year, spent months putting together the best clips and rendered what, in my humble opinion, was a kick-ass video. I burned back-up copies and tested each one of them out prior to my trip. I even played one on my brother-in-law’s DVD player and it worked fine. Yet, that next day, it not only didn’t work, but didn’t even recognize that a DVD was in the machine.

Other DVDs were tested and they worked, but I asked my wife to test my DVD when she arrived at the party (…she was getting there early to set up some stuff). The player played my video, but skipped and stuttered a bit at the beginning. My back-up video did likewise, though in slightly different spots which led me to believe that their DVD player might be ready for a replacement. Most of the video played smoothly, but it just got me mad that 100% of it didn’t play perfectly, since 100% of it played perfectly at home and I'd spent so much time ensuring that we'd have the perfect video.

C.) SABRINA THE POOH: Probably my favorite part of the party came at the end of the puppet show. My wife was asked to bring Sabrina behind the platform where the puppets were doing their thing. The hostess opened a door in the front to reveal an area of black velvet. She closed it, said a few “magic” words and when she opened the door once more, there was Sabrina wearing a Winnie the Pooh outfit. The effect really went over big with the kids and I just thought it was the most endearing thing. Naturally, she looked bewildered, but I’m sure she’ll appreciate the cuteness of it all when she’s old enough to watch the video and understand what it is she’s seeing.

D.) THE RICH GET RICHER: My wife told me a story of a certain boy on her side of the family who comes from a poor home and is, by and large, a pretty annoying kid. He certainly doesn’t mean to be annoying – he just is. But regardless of his behavior, he still deserves to have nice birthdays, right? For his most recent birthday, his mom invited a bunch of people over for a humble party. Roughly 25 people showed up… and only one of them brought a present for him. They’re poor as it is. Shouldn’t the invitees have compensated by bringing at least a few presents? That’s my opinion at least.

As for our daughter, she’s not necessarily a rich girl, but compared to this boy and most of my wife’s side of the family, she’s a privileged kid. I personally bought Sabrina a small number of very good toys, saving the others for Christmas. For this party, my daughter received something in the neighborhood of thirty toys! If anybody should have received a bunch of toys, it’s the downtrodden boy; not the privileged girl. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate the gifts and am thankful that she has plenty of toys to play with, but c’mon! She really didn’t need so many gifts. It just doesn’t seem fair to the underprivileged children of the family when the one who needs the toys the least gets the most.

E.) SAYING GOOD-BYE: This was probably the saddest I’ve ever been to leave Brazil and go back home because I was doing it alone, leaving my wife and daughter behind. When you become a father, there’s a chance you can get attached to your child(ren) and at this age she’s in right now, she’s just learning so much stuff so fast. You almost hate seeing her do the new things she learned in your absence because you feel like the next time you see her, she’ll be starting college and you will have missed her entire childhood. This obviously isn’t the case, but who said that love was rational?

Anyway, it was all I could do to keep from getting teary-eyed as I held her to say good-bye. I insisted on saying my good-byes to Sabrina privately and before we left for the airport because I just didn’t think I could bear seeing her directly before I had to get in line to have my carry-on bags x-rayed. It was heart-wrenching enough when I waved good-bye to her after getting in the car because she learned how to do that baby wave where she just holds out her arm and moves the four fingers of her right hand up and down. It’s so cute and so sad because she’s got that little baby pout thing happening, too. I miss her to death and I'm counting the days until I can see her again.

Anyway, they’re slated to return on Christmas Day, so here’s hoping there are no delays or snowstorms to prevent me from spending quality time with my family on the most important holiday of the year. <")))><

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Michael Newdow Can Kiss My Ass

I’m aware that this country is full of petty and annoying people, but I rarely single anybody out as being a specific thorn in my side. That all changes today, because a certain name pops up in the news just often enough to piss me off to the point where I feel I need to vent. His name is Michael Newdow and if you don’t recognize the name, odds are you’ll recognize the issue that practically made him a cult celebrity.

This is the atheist who, back in 2000, sued the Sacramento School District because he didn’t think it was right that his daughter and other children in her school should be made to recite the Pledge of Allegiance every morning. He argued that the Pledge violated the establishment clause of the U.S. Constitution (which demands the separation of Church and State) because it refers to our “…one nation under God.”

Newdow says that folks who are gathered in public venues are supposed to be “protected” from state-sponsored religious declarations and, according to this peckerhead, we need “protection” from the words “under God.”

In 2002, a ruling was rendered in his favor, but about two years later, it was overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court on what can only be described as a technicality (Newdow didn’t have custody of the daughter for whom he alleged to have filed the suit). God had seemingly dodged a bullet… and yet we hadn’t heard the last of Michael Newdow.

In November of 2005, he was back at it again, but not content with just trying to piss on our patriotic traditions, he decided to launch an attack on our money, too.

Side Note: Not long after reading about his first suit, I actually predicted this would be his next move, regardless of whether he won or lost Round One of his God attack.

Apparently, Newdow felt that having the motto “In God We Trust” on our coins and paper currency was a violation of his (and presumably our) First Amendment rights. By the middle of 2006, a federal judge rejected his suit, ruling that the words “In God We Trust” represent a “secular national slogan” that didn’t force any type of individual adherence to a belief in God.

In a follow-up interview (…on the day that the United States House of Representatives passed an act to protect the Pledge of Allegiance from ass-clowns like Newdow), he was quoted as saying,

"A few hours ago, the House of Representatives of the Congress of the United States of America voted 260 to 167 to completely gut the Constitution of its separation of powers and violate numerous other clauses because they thought it was important enough to keep 'under God' in the Pledge of Allegiance. I don't think people would've done that for our political heritage or anything else. They did it because they want God in their government because it stands for a religious view that they adhere to, and they want to see that religious view espoused by government, which is exactly what the establishment clause forbids."

All along, Michael Newdow has claimed to be “fighting for the Constitution” which is obviously a huge load of bullsh*t. He doesn’t give a sh*t about Americans or our rights.

He’s a bitter atheist with an axe to grind against God and this is his way of doing it.

Not surprisingly, he’s a physician with a law degree which is arguably the worst possible atheist in existence. For one, if he's ever saved even so much as one life during his practice, he’s probably already got a God complex of his own. Add to that his legal acumen to pick apart the Constitution to suit his own selfish desires and you get a potentially dangerous litigant who just might one day twist the truth enough to make others see things his way.

What Newdow fails to realize is that the establishment clause was never meant to guarantee that people would never be exposed to any type of religion whatsoever. You see churches all over the place, not to mention cemeteries with countless images of crosses, Jesus, Mary, etc. It does, however, prevent our government from forcing people to worship God... and I'm sorry, but reciting the Pledge of Allegiance or handling money that says, "In God We Trust" is not tantamount to pushing somebody to their knees and praying. Kids stand when reciting the Pledge as a show of respect. I've been to a Brazilian soccer game where their own anthem was sung. I might not be Brazilian and I might not know the words, but I still stood out of respect for the country and what it stands for.

So, what is this country supposed to do? Get rid of the Pledge of Allegiance? Alter it? Wouldn't it just be easier for his daughter to stand (in respect) and remain silent? And how about our “In God We Trust” motto? Do we just get rid of that, too? If so, do we then collect all of the previously minted coins and melt them down? Do we burn our paper currency?

And what about cities like Los Angeles (The Angels) and Sacramento (Sacrament)? Do we rename every city that has a religious name? And what about those cemeteries I mentioned? Do we hit every cemetery in America and remove every religious symbol we find, lest we offend anybody who doesn't believe in Jesus?

Where does this insanity end? Is Newdow gonna try to break into the National Archives and erase “all men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights” from the Declaration of Independence? And before I wrap this up, I'll say that it’s been my experience that liberals will often try to discredit “slippery slope” arguments based solely on principle. Yet I’m already seeing it with the desecration of marriage, I'm seeing it with the gay agenda... and I’m seeing it now with the atheists in our country and their attack on God.

And all of these bullsh*t court rulings start out the same damn way. Some person who lives their life against the grain comes up with an idea on how to get the entire country to conform to what they want, so they file a small suit in a small court. They win the suit and before we know it, the entire country is embroiled in debates that go on for years and even decades. The law changes quickly to favor the litigant, but it takes forever for the voting public to change it back. That is, of course, if we even CAN change it back.

I'm a Christian and a proud American... and whether Michael Newdow likes it or not, this great nation of ours was founded by Christians. The Pilgrims risked everything to come to this land for the sole purpose of having the freedom to practice Christianity without being persecuted or murdered.

This is our history... and I see no reason to try and rewrite it to suit the needs of one pigheaded man.

And yet, people like him are slowly succeeding in their goal to oust God from our country. Don't believe me? Okay, well have you seen the new U.S. One Dollar coins that were recently minted for mass circulation? If not, have a look at one of them and see if you can find the motto “In God We Trust.” If you take a quick glance at the coin, you probably won’t find our motto.

If, however, you squint your eyes and look at the edge of the coin, you just might be able to make out the engraved words. This is how it f**king starts and based on what the courts have done to destroy the institution of marriage in these last few years, I predict it’s only a matter of time before some liberal court votes to do away with all God-related mottos from our currency and our pledges.

Just be careful what you wish for because God doesn't stick around where He's not wanted and if you keep pushing Him out the door, He'll leave... and take His blessings, His protection and His salvation somewhere else. And trust me when I say that America needs God's protection now more than ever.

I don't know about you, but God's always got a place in my home and if Jesus ever knocks on my door, He'll be greeted with open arms. <")))><

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Tuesday, December 04, 2007

First Year Reflections

I can scarcely believe it, but my wife and I have made it through our first year as parents.

Yesterday, we celebrated my daughter’s first birthday and we were both just overwhelmed when we thought of how much she’d grown, how far she’d developed and how much of a very happy little person she is. When I first wrote about the joys of being a parent here, she hadn’t even turned one month old. Now, she’s a full year old and it’s hard not to feel like a champion parent when you see just how joyful your child is each and every day.

One thing we’ve heard time and time again from stunned parents everywhere is how amazingly happy she seems. They all seemed to want to know our secret and, frankly, it’s not that amazing when you think about it. We all know that children pick things up from their parents. If said parents live in a haze of misery or an overall “Life is Blah” mentality, their kids will pick up on that.

Regardless of the day or the hour, my wife and I do our best to project as much happiness as we genuinely can. Even when we’re exhausted from having no sleep and my little one’s crying in her crib, we bring her nothing but love and soothing consolation. So, in this first year, my daughter has siphoned off a lot of our happiness and made it her own. That’s the secret. Of course, even the happiest parents can’t keep their children perpetually happy, but we’ll still do our best to keep spirits high for as long as possible.

And so, as I prayed for the Lord to give her many more years of blissful happiness, it dawned on me why parents can be so overprotective of their children. I mean, who wants to be the one responsible for tainting their perfect lives for the very first time? I certainly don’t. She’s the kind of girl who loves to giggle, loves the people around her and loves seeing us first thing in the morning. She’s the kind of girl who makes me want to bring my A-Game each and every day… and that entails (among many other things) greeting her with broad smiles and a genuine excitement to see her.

It’s true that my wife and I have made it a habit of shielding our girl from anything that might upset her emotionally. When she was five months old, my wife’s cousin’s infant son, Kauan died and my wife was sobbing almost to the point of hysterics. Seeing that my baby was right in the next room, peering through her crib, I took the opportunity to cross over, greet her and sing a few songs to her. Blissfully ignorant of the horrible thing that had just happened, my girl just smiled and cooed as always. Once my wife had had time to compose herself, she brought her happy face to our daughter.

Some might argue that we can’t keep her in this Pleasantville microcosm forever and I agree with that. But I’m going to do whatever I can to delay her introduction to the less-than-wonderful aspects of life and death. And frankly, I see nothing wrong with that. She’ll find out soon enough that we don’t live in a utopia… and I see no reason to rush to uncover such a depressing revelation.

We’ve also tried to give her the best start with regards to nutrition as possible. My wife aimed to breastfeed her for her entire first year. She made it just over half that time. With scarcely enough time to pump adequate amounts of milk, coupled with the fact that our little princess had turned to biting in Month Six, it just became impossible for her to continue. She let the well run dry and we switched to formula.

When our pediatrician gave us the green light to start her on solid foods, we did the rice cereal thing and quickly moved to introducing mashed fruits and veggies to her. Before long, it was chicken and beef and now, she’s got a pretty solid diet of the necessary four food groups. We cook her food as opposed to buying those famous mini Gerber baby jars and some people (including members of my family) laughed and said that wouldn’t last. Well, we’ve been doing it for months now and I see no signs of us slowing down. If our schedules get too hectic, we’ll cook in the evening and store it for the morning and afternoon.

As for fruit, I’ve found it to be an amazingly useful food to pack with us whenever we go out. Trust me when I say that ready-made food that needs virtually no preparation and can be served at room temperature is a blessing to have when you need to feed your child in a pinch. But the best part of being a parent is having that bond with your spouse and working together as a team. We have a solidarity now that wasn’t really there prior to our daughter’s existence. I mean, sure, we loved each other and supported each other, but having a baby together really puts you to the test. I’ve found that we both come away from the experience a lot happier when we both give our best effort towards keeping our girl happy and healthy.

We marvel at her development and every new accomplishment is cause for celebration. We give her daily doses of confidence-boosting encouragement and we save all of our best smiles, hugs and kisses for her. We read to her every day and we speak to her in soft and loving tones. So yeah, we’re immensely grateful that she’s a happy baby, but given our treatment of her, we’re really not as surprised as everyone else apparently is. She’s a true reflection of my wife’s best and my best and I can’t wait to see what’s in store for our second year as parents. <")))><

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