Sunday, December 23, 2007


Since August of 2006, I’ve very much enjoyed as it’s given me an outlet to do something that I really love to do – writing. Though these blogs are available to the public, I don’t presume that everybody will love everything I write. In fact, I’m often inclined to write opinions with which I daresay the majority of liberal America would disagree.

My writings are a mixture of personal anecdotes, religious and ideological beliefs. I believe in One Supreme God and His Son, the Lord Jesus. I believe what is written in the Bible and I use the Bible to help guide me to do what’s right. I also realized that, not including this brief blog, I’ve written a total of 35 blogs since getting started here… and it’s getting tougher to find all of the links. So, I decided to hyperlink and summarize the stories I’ve written thusfar to make locating and reading some of these past blogs a little easier

Just click the title of whatever you think you might want to read and enjoy:

Free Will vs. Predestination: My very first blog article, inspired by a friend who asked a perplexing question: How can humans have free-will if God already knows how everything’s going to end? In my inaugural blogger article, I attempt to explain one of the greatest mysteries of the Christian faith. Whether I’m right or not, only God knows for sure.

Superman Returns (2006) – My Review
: Pretty self-explanatory. I’m a huge Superman fan and I was anxious to put my two cents in regarding the latest theatrical release starring the Man of Steel.

ATTENTION: Agnostics & Atheists
: At the time I wrote this piece, I had gotten wind of a few incendiary comments that people were saying about me behind my back, regarding my faith. Written partially out of anger, I addressed my detractors directly and, in so doing, addressed what I believe to be the TRUE reason why we have so many people in this country who refuse to believe in Jesus.

I Can Fly
: In this blog, I discussed a personal accomplishment of mine within my own subconscious – the ability to partially manipulate and control my own dreams.

The Dumbass Media
: A short article on how our media shoots our military might in the foot by giving away our position at every opportunity.

Mary, the Mother of JESUS
: My attempt to figure out why Catholicism can’t seem to forgo a semantics issue to bring the various Christian faiths closer together. I also take a closer look at false syllogisms here and how they affect the beliefs of others.

My Pisiform-Triquetral Travails
: A short anecdote on a very stupid thing I did one fine day at work. This article is basically me poking fun at myself and making light of a ridiculous occurrence.

Credit Card Companies Suck – My Rant
: An all-too-true account of the ruthlessness of credit card companies when they have you indebted to them. This is a tale of survival and a tale of a hard-learned lesson in life and finances.

Nuts Over My New Bike
: Another personal anecdote, meant to give the reader a chuckle or two. This is the true story of my first weeks on a brand-new bicycle and the ensuing damage it did to my… self. Let's just say that the title makes more sense once you've read the story.

The Spectrum of Airline Intelligence
: A therapeutic rant I wrote in response to what was probably the most frustrating airline experience I’ve ever had. Even at my most perturbed, I did what I could to interject a bit of humor into the mix.

Gender Roles & Hardwood Floors
: This one brings back memories as it was the last big home project we undertook prior to the birth of my daughter. This article for more for me than anything else as I wanted to preserve the memories of those last months of my wife’s pregnancy, plus pay homage to a good friend who did a great thing for us.

What’s With the Lisp?
: The question that’s been bugging me for quite a while now. In the hot debate over whether homosexuality is learned or if you’re born with it gets interesting when considering the origin of the lisp.

Observations of a New Dad
: One of my favorite blog articles as it very accurately preserves those early memories of what it was like to care for a very small infant girl. The time flies so fast and I’m glad I wrote something about those early days. This article was meant to point out the more humorous aspects of rookie parenthood.

Saddam’s Lousy Decembers
: My brief look at the last days of Saddam Hussein (he was executed three days following this blog) as well as my defense of the Islamic faith.

Luxuries I Missed While in Brazil – Part 1
: Originally written on January 27, 2006, this article pre-existed my Blogger account, but I’d decided to post it because I was fresh off of another trip to Brazil and I thought it’d be good to keep these together.

Luxuries I Missed While in Brazil – Part 2
: The sequel and probably the funnier of the two “Luxuries” blogs I posted. Life in Brazil can be pretty good, but it just takes some getting used to. Enjoy the rants.

How I Met My Daughter
: An endearing true story of how my relationship with my little girl began. This is a great blog for expectant fathers as I dole out a lot of decent tips for how to be Super Dad even before your baby is born. Also chronicled in this blog is the moment when I knew I’d make a good dad for my baby. This is one of my favorites. I hope you enjoy it.

The Allure of Parenthood
: This one kind of works off the vein of the blog that preceded it. Here, I speak of the purity and innocence of a newborn infant and the enormous responsibility we take on when we become parents. Also included are a couple of quick memories that I failed to mention in the previous blog.

The Quiet Car
: A humorous and true story of my trip to the Big Apple to pick up my mother-in-law at the airport and take her back home. Let’s just say that folks aren’t always as considerate as they could be.

My Top 20 Favorite Movies
: A complete and comprehensive list of my all-time favorites of the big screen. Sure, nobody else might care what my favorite movies are, but what can I say? I enjoyed thinking this one out and deciding for myself which ones ranked among the best ever in my heart. This one’s more likely to interest fellow movie buffs who just might have a few movies in common with me.

People Who Need to Get Punched in the Head
: Looking back on this one, it reads like a stand-up comedy routine. Yes, I wrote it primarily for laughs, but I drew my inspiration for each example using events that actually happened in my life. Again, it’s a rant, but it’s also a light-hearted rant with no real anger behind it. Have a look at if if you have a minute. You might get some chuckles out of it.

My Take on Ephesians 2:8-9
: Inspired by a vision I had in a dream one night, I wrote this blog to see if I could provide a clear illustration for a difficult Biblical idea. There are people who believe that good works must be done to earn Heaven. There are others who believe that faith in Jesus is all it takes to earn Heaven. My example attempts to illustrate who both are necessary.

Racial and Religious Hypocrisy
: This one takes a closer look at the incident that cost Don Imus his job, as well as the tirade that destroyed Michael Richards’s career. It’s my take on the matter and my frustration at how very few people are out there to defend Jesus with the same fervor used to defend the African-American community.

: A tragic true story of the death of a six-month-old boy named Kauan. He was my wife’s cousin’s son in Brazil. He’d been cursed from the very beginning of his life and, due to doctors’ incompetence, his life was cut tragically short. This death hit me especially hard, primarily because my daughter was only a month younger than Kauan and, as a parent, this is pretty much your worst nightmare. May God rest your soul, Kauan.

Do Any Boston Cab Drivers Speak English?
: Another all-too-true story about my recent encounters with foreign-born cab drivers and the linguistic hilarity that often ensues. Though the situations I wrote about were frustrating at the time, I tried to interject humor wherever I could.

Transformers (2007): My Review
: Having been a die-hard Transformers fan for as long as they’ve been in existence, I had to see this movie as soon as possible… and had to type out a comprehensive review. Though I made out Pro and Con lists, I really loved this movie. It’s now one of my prized HD DVDs and even the bonus disc is awesome to watch.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – My Review
: This is the first time in the history of the Guileless Vituperator that I’ve ever reviewed a book, but given the hype surrounding the seventh and final installment of the Harry Potter series, I couldn’t help but contribute my two cents. I waited a number of days before posting this to give the die-hard fans of the book a chance to read it before reading my spoilers.

The Return of Def Leppard
: This was my wife’s first American concert and she loved it. This blog tells the story of Def Leppard’s performance at the Tweeter Center on August 11, 2007.

How to Make a Day Suck
: Just an all-around crappy day for everybody except my daughter. This was more of a therapeutic rant than anything else. And yes, I felt a LOT better after writing this one. Who knows? You just might find things to laugh about here.

ABORTION: What I Believe
: The title pretty much tells the story. It’s my view on abortion and if I were ever to get hate mail for any of my blogs, it’d likely be this one. In this blog, I explain why I consider abortion to be a crime and a sin, regardless of the reason(s) it is performed. I run through the most popular excuses and break them down one-by-one. I knew it’d be controversial, but I felt it needed to be written and I stand behind what I wrote. I don’t appreciate hate mail, but I do welcome opposing viewpoints and constructive criticism. And this will NOT be the last time I tackle a controversial topic, so be warned.

Waltham High School Lamentations
: This story is about my recent high school reunion and the memories it sparked. High School was enjoyable, but looking back, I realized that I could have gotten so much more out of it, had I kept my head up and taken a look around every once in a while. Hindsight is 20/20, right?

Cancún, Timeshares and the Hard-Sell
: The true story of our Cancún trauma is told here. Again, this was a frustrating moment of my life that I can now look back on and laugh. This story was written to pull a few chuckles from the past and to bring the world of timeshares to light so that others can determine for themselves whether or not losing 90 or so minutes of your life is worth a few free waffles.

First Year Reflections
: Our daughter is one of the happiest babies you’ll ever meet. This article celebrates our first year with her as I reveal the secrets to our early success as parents and what we have in store for Year 2.

Michael Newdow Can Kiss My Ass
: True story about a litigation-happy atheist who is single-handedly trying to destroy everything that America stands for with his personal vendetta against the Lord. Just remember that God always has the last laugh, Newdow.

Brazil – The Third Installment
: Details of my most recent trip to Brazil, complete with the rantings you’ve come to expect, coupled with some interesting observations regarding airlines and some of the things that can go wrong when you’re flying. This was also the setting for my daughter’s first birthday party, which was a day I’ll never forget.

So, that does it for 2007. I hope you've enjoyed what you've read so far. As it stands now, 2008 looks like it's going to be considerably busier for me, so I doubt I'll be writing nearly as often in the next year. Time will tell, of course, so until then....

Have a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year and a safe holiday season.

The Guileless Vituperator -- <")))><


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