ATTENTION: Agnostics & Atheists
It's funny that, regardless of how many generations pass since His crucifixion, the name of Jesus still evokes great anger in people, particularly agnostics and atheists.
I had the good pleasure of meeting an old friend from my high school for lunch a few months ago. During the lunch, I mentioned that some acquaintances of mine had been saying negative things about me on account of what I believe. I, of course, don't have any problem with people who have a different opinion about Jesus or the merits of Christian living, but it's very telling of a person's character when they can't face me and rant about me to my face. They choose, instead, to make calumnious comments to other people of like-minded perspectives until they've reassured themselves that they're right and Christianity is wrong. They allege to have read my words, yet their feeble paraphrasing efforts only serve to twist them to mean something completely different.
Again, I don't mind if people don't believe in Jesus or consider those who do to be "a little overboard", "Jesus freak" or whatever…. but c'mon! At least muster the backbone to voice your disapproval to my face. All they do is make themselves look incredibly insecure. It's really quite pitiable. Though I never asked for this, my friend defended my beliefs and, as I came to discover, he's actually quite adept at shutting people down pretty quickly when they twist someone else's words to mean something that was never said (…turns out, he's now an attorney. lol).
I wonder what Jesus represents to these haters. Someone says, "I don't believe that Jesus was the Son of God" or "I don't believe that Jesus ever existed?" Fine! You're entitled to believe that if you want, but many of us who live our lives according to how the Bible tells us we should live believe differently.
If you don't believe that Jesus said a certain thing, that's fine... but the fact that you can read these words on a page means that SOMEBODY existed long enough to think and say or write them down, so ask yourselves this question: What harm would following the advice within these pages do to me, regardless of who wrote them?
What? Wouldn't be able to drink yourselves into a coma every Saturday night? Guys, are you afraid that reading the Bible will force you to stop bathing in Drakkar in the desperate hope of finding your next meaningless one-night-stand? Ladies, afraid you'll have to stop dressing like cheap dimestore whores to placate some wretched man's wildest sexual fantasy every weekend?
Yeah, taking the words of the Lord to heart does have a tendency to clean a person's act up in more ways than one... and even if you don't believe in God, at least love yourselves enough to learn from the words that have been passed down for several centuries. Think they're antiquated our outmoded? Well, guess what. We still have homosexuality, rape, murder, gluttony, greed, sexual promiscuity and a whole host of other evils that tear us apart as a people.
Can you honestly tell me that we'd even be trying to find a cure for AIDS if people bothered to live and love as the Lord instructed? Think we'd be fighting this ridiculous battle against gay marriage if everybody learned something from Sodom and Gomorrah? Hell no!
Do you disagree? If so, try this: Instead of gathering together with other atheists and agnostics, tickling each other's ears with words of reassurance, why don't you try venting to a Christian, then hearing him/her out in return?
Oh, and one more thing for the atheists of the world: If you're right and we're all wrong, you won't be able to gloat about it when we're all dead.
If we're right and you're wrong, I'm afraid you've got an awfully long swim in a certain fiery lake. Everybody believes in God and Satan in Hell.
Think about it.
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